Many people have been asking me lately what makes a Japanese man different from other men. I think this is the wrong way to ask this question. I would ask what makes a man a real man? And the answer comes naturally – it is sure not his nationality. Building a relationship is a difficult process no matter where you are from. Matters of the heart are complicated as it is to add the nationality issue into the equation. Obviously there are some cultural differences, but none of them prevent people from having a happy, fulfilling relationship. After all it is all about the feeling you get from a person. If this connection exists, then even the obstacle of not knowing one’s language cannot stop people from being together. The fact remains that Japanese people impose themselves as very respectful and polite. I think this is a quality most women in Moldova would want to find in their beloved. I do not want to say that Moldovan men are not polite, but the reality is that most of them have long forgotten how to court a woman in the proper way. From this point of view, a Japanese man has the aura of a prince on a white horseJ)). They are the type who sweep you off your feet but at the same time give you a feeling of comfort and security. Basically you could compare this state to the image of a balloon who is held securely by the string so that the wind does not take it away. Trust me, to your first date he will come with flowers, very well groomed and will try to make you as comfortable as possible, opposed to our Moldovan way when men take women to THEIR favorite place, usually accompanied by THEIR friends and so on. So what makes a man a man? Huh? Do any of you have an answer?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Miles apart...yet so close...
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Life is like a box of chocolates
Have you ever seen the oh so popular “Forest Gump”? Then maybe you remember how the main lead says that life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what filling you will find inside until you take a bite. So now imagine, here we are, looking at this box of chocolates (see this as an analogy for men) and not knowing how to decide which one to try………What do we do? I say just jump right in it and do not think too much, the chocolate is going to be delicious anyway….I am looking at a chocolate as we speak and his name is Tadao. To be honest I am a bit anxious about biting in, but at the same time it is such a thrill. If you are a chocolate lover, then you definitely know that delicious dark chocolate with peperoncino, it is one of my favorite and somehow this is the flavor that I associate with Tadao. At first you are a bit weary about tasting it since it has hot chili peppers on the wrapper, then when you decide to do it after all, you sense the classic taste of dark chocolate at first that surprises you later with a spicy and at the same time sweet aftertaste. And this is how a chocolate, or a person;) will forever find a place in your world. What is you flavor ladies? Don’t you want to taste something new?
Just some time ago, I was living my usual, routine life, not even contemplating the possibility of such a drastic change happening in my life so fast. It is too early to think of the future…but I am waiting for it with excitement. By the way this reminded me about something I was discussing with Tadao yesterday. He told me that there is a difference in how Japanese people and Moldovan people perceive their life and future. He did get it right when it comes to Moldovans – we live every day at a time, we do not like making long term plans, because we know that we live in an unstable environment. This has caused our nature to be unstable too. In Japan on the other hand, people always think and plan ahead, this way they feel safer. So just in case you are having one of your first conversations during which a Japanese gentleman tells you he wants to have 2 kids, take a deep breathe (this is what I would have done) and after a moment you will start to appreciate the fact that this man respects you enough to tell you about such personal dreams of his. I know in Moldova, and I give you myself and my friends as an example, hearing such a thing during the first dates would be difficult to digest, but remember that Japanese men always think about the future. And of course nobody likes to waste time! I have to admit that this is a very good quality which can reassure a woman and offer her a more stable view of what it is to come. Every woman in this world wants this sense of stability and I like the fact that for Japanese men this comes as a given.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
How do you imagine a relationship? What do you need from a relationship? Is it the romance? Is it the sweet words? Is it the care? Is it the respect? Is it the adventure? Is it the flirting? Is it the great mood that makes you feel like you are flying? Is it the tingling in your stomach or maybe the laughs and blushes? I have it all….and even for me it was a bit surprising at the beginning. Tadao is that type of person who makes you feel free and at the same time wanting to come to him. Strange, right? Every night after work I hurry to the computer to talk to a man who despite some language issues, has managed to charm me to the core. Yes, this is possibleJ)). If you did not know, learning English is quite a difficult task for a Japanese man and I am feeling grateful every day for the effort that this person makes in order to communicate with me. Just in case you are wondering - yes, we are still at the communicating stage, but frankly, I do not need much more. I have told this in my previous note, but I would really want to repeat myself on this one – Japanese men are very respectful! How would you feel if a man who does not even know the Latin alphabet tried to learn your language just so that you had less stress in your communication? Is there anything more romantic? And here we have come to the romantic aspect. Ladies – Japanese men are very romantic and I can show you Tadao as an example. Has any man asked you in what part of the world do you live so that he could look in the same direction before he sleeps? Has anyone named his pillow with your name and using it to express his care? Ha ha, funny right? And here is another great quality that personally for me was a discovery about the nature of Japanese men – great sense of humorJ)). So until now we have discovered three qualities – respectful, romantic, funny – isn’t this a winning combination ;)?
(to be continued)
Sus pinzele....calatoria mea incepe
Este intotdeauna dificil sa gasesti cuvintele potrivite la inceput de drum si cazul dat nu este o exceptie pentru mine. Acest blog este creat pentru a va ajuta pe voi doamnelor si domnisoarelor sa faceti o incursiune in misterele procesului de formare a unui cuplu moldo-japonez fericitJ. Voi scrie despre ceea ce simt si ce idei imi apar pe masura ce invat despre cum are loc crearea unei relatii de dragoste intre o femeie moldoveanca si un barbat japonez. Multe dintre voi cred ca au rezervari referitor la viabilitata unei relatii de acest gen, rezervari absolut normale cind te gindesti ca traiti in doua lumi diferite. Este o ingrijorare ce vine atit din partea barbatilor cit si din partea femeilor. …dar deoarece eu sunt o femeie moldoveanca va pot spune doar punctul meu de vedere. Prima mea intrebare a fost:Este oare posibil? Pot oare doi oameni care traiesc in 2 lumi diferite sa devina un tot intreg? Daca ma intrebati ceva timp in urma, cred ca urma sa dau un raspuns mai sceptic, dar acum va pot spune fara o urma de indoiala in mine ca NU CONTEAZA! In ceea ce priveste dragostea nu are nici o importanta de te-ai nascut negru, alb sau rosu, daca el s-a nascut in Japonia sau chiar dupa coltul casei tale, daca il cunosti de o luna sau de o viata. Sunt numeroase cazurile cind oameni ce se cunosc de o viata se despart deoarece nu gasesc limba comuna. In fine orice relatie are problemele sale, deci nu cred ca pentru a avea o relatie fericita conteaza din ce tara este partenerul dumneavoastra. Atit cit timp sentimentele voastre sunt sincere, dragostea te poate surprinde!
Ceva timp in urma am intrebat o prietena cum isi inchipuia ea un barabat japonez. Ea mi-a spus ceea ce majoritatea dintre noi ar spune- ca si-l inchipuie ceva rezervat, inteligent, calm si poate chiar pe undeva calculat. Este o parere preconceputa pe care majoritatea femeilor din Rep. Moldova o au. Unicul nostru acces catre cultura japoneza sunt filmele cu samurai si cele citeva localuri decente de sushi. Fiind una dintre voi, permite-ti-mi sa va spun – ne-am inselat! Conceptiile noastre despre barbatii din Japonia, despre cultura lor sunt foarte limitate. Din experienta mea si interactiunile ce le-am avut eu cu cultura japoneza am aflat ca japonezii nu numai sunt inteligenti, ci si foarte calmi si politicosi. Natura lor rezervata de a fi, modul laconic de exprimare este o consecinta directa a respectului extrem ce le caracterizeaza cultura. Deci, doamnelor si domnisoarelor, daca va doriti pe cineva care sa se comporte ca un adevarat gentleman cu dumneavoastra, alegerea unui barbat din Japonia este cea mai corecta! Am avut oportunitatea de a trai pe pielea mea sentimentul astaJ)) Crede-ti-ma – e minunat!
(Continuarea urmeaza)